Joint strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in coastal areas
Zajednička strategija za prilagodbu klimatskim promjenama u obalnim područjima
Projekt Joint_SECAP financiran je preko Programa INTERREG Italija – Hrvatska a među osam partnera iz Italije i Hrvatske je Općina Vela Luka.
Ciljevi projekta su:
- Podizanje svijesti građana o rizicima i odgovarajućim mjerama vezanima uz klimatske promjene kroz radionice, seminare, web stranice, oglašavanja i promotivne materijale.
- Prikupljanje podataka te izrada procjene rizika vezanih uz klimatske promjene.
- Izrada web platforme putem koje će svim zainteresiranim dionicima i građanima biti omogućen besplatan pristup podacima i studijama o rizicima klimatskih promjena te klimatskim i energetskim mjerama.
Projekt se sastoji od dvije glavne faze:
- prva faza je usmjerena na razvoj i primjenu metodologije za Zajednički akcijski plan održivog gospodarenja energijom i klimatskim promjenama (Joint Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans -SECAP). Razmjena osnovnih znanja s javnošću i dionicima o pitanjima koja se tiču strategija prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama i mjera energetske učinkovitosti.
- druga faza počinje kada se analize i podaci prenesu na web platformu, djelujući kao koristan alat za razvoj scenarija koji će se provoditi u Zajedničkim akcijskim planovima SECAP-ima koji su ujedno i glavni rezultat projekta.
Glavni partner: University of Camerino
Partneri u projektu:
- IRENA - Istarska Regionalna Energetska Agencija d.o.o.,
- City of San Benedetto del Tronto
- Service of energy policy, air quality, national environmental information system of the department of public works, territorial management and environmental policies of region Abruzzo
- Municipality of Pescara
- International centre for sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems - Sdewes centre
- Primorje - Gorski Kotar County
- County of Split - Dalmatia
- Municipality of Vela Luka
Projekt traje 30 mjeseci. Projekt će s implementacijom početi u 1. siječnja, 2019. godine i provoditi će se do 30. lipnja, 2021. godine. Projekt koristi javno financiranje iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj (ERDF) u iznosu od 1,780,628.88 € i nacionalnog sufinanciranja u iznosu od 314.228,63 € što daje ukupni proračun od 2.094.857,50 €. Više informacija o projektu može se pronaći na web stranici
Joint strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in coastal areas
The aims of the project are:
- Raising awareness of citizens about the risks and appropriate measures related to climate change through workshops, seminars, websites, advertising, and promotional materials.
- Gathering of data and assessment of climate change risks.
- Creating a web platform where casestudies, climate and energy measures, data on climate change riskwill be available for free to all interestedstakeholders and citizens.
Project is structured into two main phases:
- the first phase is focused onthe development and implementation of the common methodology for Joint Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP).Sharing the basic knowledge about issues concerning climate change adaptation strategies and energy efficiency measures with public and stakeholders.
- the second phase starts when the analysis and data are uploaded in the web platform, acting as a useful tool for the development of scenarios which will be implemented in the Joint SECAPswhich will be the main project output.
Lead partner: University of Camerino
Partners in the project:
- IRENA –Istrian Regional Energy Agency
- City of San Benedetto del Tronto
- Service of energy policy, air quality, national environmental information system of the department of public works, territorial management and environmental policies of region Abruzzo
- Municipality of Pescara
- SDEWES Centre- International centre for sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems
- Primorje - Gorski Kotar County
- County of Split – Dalmatia
- Municipality of Vela Luka.
The duration of the project is 30 months. Project started with implementationon 1st of January 2019 in is ongoing until 30th of June 2021. The project benefits from public funding from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of 1,780,628.88 € and national co-financing of 314,228.63€giving the total budget of2,094,857.50 €. More information on the project can be found on the web site: